Tag Archives: homeless in Miami

Help the Homeless

Help The Homeless.

Give to the homeless
With our busy life styles, running around trying to make ends meet or trying to make more money to get that car we like or that piece of jewelry we have been wanting, we forget about those who are less fortunate.
Believe it or not, there are people out there that cannot afford a meal to keep them going for 1 day. There are people that can not afford to buy clothes for the winter and yes there are people who do not have a roof over their head.
The sad part is most of us look at homeless people as if it were their fault. Sometimes it is, sometimes it is not.
Just remember, any one of us could be in their shoes. You never know when your world turns upside down due to no fault of yours. You could be hit with an illness, you could lose your job or even lose a loved one.
The message here is to #give. have #compassion.
Always remember to give, then you can receive.

It is the right thing to do. #kareemsalmanfoundation.