Voices Against Brain Cancer was started in loving memory of Gary Lichtenstein who lost his valiant battle with brain cancer on October 1, 2003. Gary was living in Chicago and working as an options trader at Wolverine Trading when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor in March of 2003. He was 24 years old at the time. After three months of radiation, Gary slipped into a coma from which he did not recover. Soon after his passing, Gary’s family started Voices Against Brain Cancer to raise money and awareness for the fight against this illness.
Our mission is to find a cure for brain cancer by advancing scientific research, increasing awareness within the medical community and supporting patients, their families and caregivers afflicted with this devastating disease
As the foundation grew, it spoke not only to Gary’s strong voice throughout his life, but to the other voices across the world struggling with brain cancer. VABC founder Mario Lichtenstein says, ““The name Voices is not only about the Lichtenstein Family. It’s about all the families all over the world who are fighting this devastating disease.” Through the years, we have met many courageous men and women who attend our events, donate to the cause, volunteer, or simply send us an email to let us know how our Foundation has touched their lives.
At this time, brain tumor research is under funded and the public remains unaware of the magnitude of this disease. The cure rate for most brain tumors is significantly lower than it is for many other types of cancers. Our Foundation is driven by these facts and committed to finding a cure. It is the goal of our Foundation and its supporters to fund the research that will directly impact those affected with brain tumors.
Voices Against Brain Cancer
c/o Darren Port
1375 Broadway, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10018
Tel: 212.340.1340
Fax: 212.591.6572
Email: info@voicesagainstbraincancer.org